Thursday, April 30, 2009


Last night Shaw made a very fun drink. It was a rough day for both of us, so upon arriving home after work we both slept (accidentally) for 2 hours! We ate dinner at 7:30 then had a little drink of limoncello, twist up and lemon served over ice. Such a fun summer drink! Unfortunately we are now out of limoncello. Tomorrow starts a new month with a fresh budget! :)
Today we are having my parents and Elizabeth over for dinner, before Mom and Elizabeth leave for DC. Right after that, my mother is flying to Ohio to be with my sister Sarah as well as the grandkids Noah and Elizabeth (and our future godchild in utero). My dad has not been to the house in a while, and no one in the party has had the honor of meeting our herb garden or my hanging pots! Unfortunately today (and the past few days) have been extremely overcast, cloudy and rainy.

Today is an extremely slow day at work. I am very grateful!! The past few months have been the busiest, most stressful weeks in a while. It is nice that it fluctuates, because it forces me to apprieciate the downtime and the busy times. If my job were this slow all the time I would go crazy!

Happy Pay Day (for those of us who get paid at the end of the month)! :)

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

My familiy has started a blog with topics for almost every day. Today is Weight-Loss Wednesdays. Well, I fear I cannot contribute much, except eating ice cream almost every day, and walking to work almost every day. It is about a mile to work, and usually I don't walk home - because by that time Shaw has been off work for about an hour and a half, so he comes to pick me up. I have to say that I am so glad that we started off a marriage sharing a car. It has given us both great opportunites of self-sacrifice in order to do what is best for the other. I honestly don't know what we would do with two cars. I feel as though I would never see him (and we live in Atchison!). It is so wonderful to walk to work, with my iPod in listening to cheery music wilst I walk among the little kiddos waiting for the school bus to pick them up. Yesterday I had a race with the school bus (it eventually won) it was a close call because it kept stopping to pick up kids, and I would catch up etc. It was a fun morning! However, today it was mistly, rainy and gloomy. I am very happy to not be walking home. Emmy, my office is extremely hot and stuffy b/c the air conditioning is having issues turning on. I know how wretched it is to be cold - but it is also a pain to be hot and sweaty! Luckily is hasn't been more than 70 the past few days, but I can't even open the windows at this point, because we have multiple wasp nests right outside of it! Ahhh! However, I am no longer afraid of wasps - having gotten so used to them buzzing around my head all day. Re-reading this post shows to me the great amount of complaining that I am doing - but I am so blessed and really enjoy my job, my co-workers, husband and family!

Dan and Judy, you are both in our prayers as Dan is in Florida for the big test! I can't get the idea of you guys coming up this summer out of my head - so I hope it is at all possible! You are always welcome! :)
