11 Days until our Due Date! I must keep in the front of my mind that 75% of First Time Moms (FTMs) do NOT go into labor until AFTER their due date. How sad! I am SURE the more time she spends developing inside the better (I've read the books, blogs and websites) yet how we long to meet her! I have LOVED being pregnant, and I have had such an easy time with it. I have truly been blessed in every way.....
YET WE WANT TO MEET HER! We are both terrified OF her, full of love FOR her, and spiritually perhaps unprepared for the whole parenting process. There are still many things left to decide:
- Vaccines - which to do, which to NOT do? (we are almost to a conclusion on this one)
- Cloth Diapers - we know we are going to, but what type? (I have such high plans of going to Happybottomus - the new cloth diaper store that opened up next to Whole Foods here in OP)
- Outfit to bring her home it - I haven't cleaned ANY of her MULTITUDINOUS of clothes yet, for fear she will come out a 12 lb baby already wearing 3 month old clothes. But I have to have something ready, and it must be very cute and pink. Which pretty much describes ALL of her clothes.
- Stuff to bring to the Hospital - this was another thing I was supposed to do today. However, what to pack? I know - I have the lists from the books, websites and blogs, not to mention the papers so kindly handed us by the hospital crazy people, but I mean seriously - How can you pack for something like this? How do I know what I am going to want to do/wear/have/eat (or not eat I suppose)/distract Shaw with/watch/listen to/read? Seriously people?! I've never done this before!
And yet, in the end, all we want is a safe, happy, healthy baby.
God Willing!