What we came home to on Thanksgiving:

So Fun! Tessa & Pete put the decorations up to welcome us home!

At the hospital with our WONDERFUL doctor. We will totally be using her with our next baby. We had the most wonderful delivery with great fun music playing in the background, FABULOUS nurses all around, and my fabulous husband always at my side. It couldn't have been more wonderful. Also, even after all of my protests and anger about getting an epidural, it truly made the experience a joyful one. PLUS, when I was getting stitched up at the end, Dr. Gutovitz said that if I hadn't had an epidural, she would have had to take me to the Operating Room to do the stitching. Plus, the epidural took me from 4 CM to 10 in one hour! Clearly my habit of internalizing everything, and blocking relaxation techniques worked against me in this situation.
Also, St. Joseph gave Shaw a pair of scrubs, and while Sophie was getting measured, bathed etc (in our room, a few hours after she was born - thanks to my wonderful birth plan!) the put Sophie's feet prints on his scrubs. Super cute!

Here are the flowers that the dear Peterson family sent to the hospital and Elizabeth brought back to our Apt for us. You can also see the wonderful cholcolate that Nana brought to Sophia and her parents.

Dear Nate and Nila cleaned our apartment while we were gone, and left the fabulous 21 Anniversary Blvd Beer and a bottle of Patron Tequila (which Shaw has been desiring FOREVER!)
This is the fabulous cupcake bouquet that Nila made! We received SO MANY compliments on this. Plus - it was delicious!! :)
Here are the LOVELY flowers sent by Judy and Dan. How we wish you were here!!!!!

Here is our wonderful first thanksgiving as a family. The wonderful family brought over such delicious food for us! Food and wonderful beer! Shaw made a fire in the fireplace, and set up a wonderful spread complete with candles and music while Sophie and I rested on the couch in front of the fire. It was a wonderful, quiet, peaceful Thanksgiving dinner with my family. Then we had our first night together. Such a tough night!! :)

Here is our little Sophie while she was still at the hospital. Well, in this one she is at home in my favorite onesie!

Here she is in a beautiful knitted hat sent to us by Meredith Rice. It is so cute!

Darling Shaw admiring Sophie in the hospital. He loves her so much! He can't take it when she cries even now - she easily has him wrapped around her little finger!

Here she is shortly after she was born. Literaly, VERY SHORTLY after she was born! Mom, Dad and Emily were so wonderful to wait the LONG LONG Time in the waiting room to come in an see her when she was merely an hour and a half old. Shaw had a great time updating everyone via texts and trips to the waiting room. It was just how I wanted it to go! Thanks so much for our dear family for feeding him so well during the labor, and us in the hospital and even now! Your dinners are absolutely wonderful, and it is such a weight of our shoulders. What a blessing family is!

She is already spunky!