Thursday, August 28, 2014

Monica's 2nd Birthday!

Unfortunately we had to postpone Monica's birthday party because of Sophia's fever,  but that didn't stop us from celebrating on her actual birthday!  Shaw had to work in the evening,  so we had a breakfast celebration.  Shaw and Monica went out to pick up doughnuts, and we gave her our little present.  Then we celebrated at Nana's with Aunt Lizzie eating delicious cupcakes at lunch,  and rice krispies with sprinkles after dinner.  Such fun!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Baby day!

We arrived at hospital to start the induction at 6 AM. All checked in and ready to go by 6:30. Dr Farris came by at 8:10 to break my water,  but it didn't work for some reason.  Monitoring baby for 15 minutes then to walk around a bit.

Doctor Farris came by again at 9 and was able to break my water.  Walked around for about an hour but no progress. Started the Pitocin at 10:30. After 2.5 hours of contractions every 2-3 minutes I was checked and made absolutely no progress!  Still 3 cm and 70% effaced. We couldn't take the disappointment or the pain anymore,  so we asked for the epidural.  About 10 minutes later I was sitting on the side of the bed and my soon to be new best friend Nick comes in and administers the wonderful medicine into the base of my back.  This is such a hard process because I'm trying to control the pain from the contractions all the while he's telling me to do things too! 5 minutes later the pain starts to dull and 10 minutes after that I was resting easy.  They jack up the Pitocin and Shaw and I rest for a few minutes. The nurses continue to come in cranking up the Pitocin until the contractions are 2 minutes apart.  It was very different from my epidural with Sophia (which didn't work on half of me at  first,  so the Dr had to double the dose so I had no feeling at all). I could feel a little pressure from the contractions, but virtually no pain.  Why do I always fight so hard against the epidural? We were actually able to fall asleep for about 10 minutes!  I could still move my legs,  and feel my abdomen.  Then,  I started losing feeling in my left leg,  so I rolled to the side to counter act it. 

After a little less than an hour the nurse came to check me.  She was very surprised and said "wow he's right there"! I was completely effaced at an 8. They called Dr Farris to come back over and everyone started running around.  There was a nurse in training,  a nurse who was transferring to St Joe's,  my nurse,  and a med student all there. The more the merrier!  Three pushes later at 2:15 PM Augustine was placed on my chest,  Shaw cut the cord, the med student delivered the placenta, my Dr stitched up my little 1st degree tear and everyone left!  One nurse cleaned out Gus's mouth and the two towels over him and left. It was just what I put in my birth plan. I was able to nurse Augustine for the next 1.5 hours while shaw and I soaked in all of his cuteness, and I inhaled the most delicious stale turkey sandwich in the world.  We had my wonderful in law's waiting,  so they came in to meet the newest member of our family.  Then the wonderful nurse came back in (after about 2 hours of bonding time) and gave Gus his bath in the room.  He was so chill and relaxed!  Plus - so much hair!  He didn't even mind her washing his hair in the sink. He weighed in at 8 lbs 11oz,  (over a lb bigger than the girls) and 19 inches long.  Big head like Sophia as well!

After a while we moved to our new patio room,  and my dad stopped by to meet Gus, then my mom and sister brought the girls over to meet their new little brother.  Sophia LOVES him,  Monica wasn't so sure. 

Then his soon to be godparents were able to stop by and say hello as well!  What a fun day of meeting all of his people!

Chill baby turned into crazy baby all night long! Two 2 hour trips to the nursery brought a little relief.  Many checks by the nurses for both baby and mom.  Then an early trip back to the nursery in the morning for The Procedure. Poor guy.

Later on Uncle Pete and Emma stopped by and gave Augustine his first Royals hat and Sporting KC scarf.  He loves it already!

We were cleared to leave after 1 night in the hospital,  thank goodness!  We got home about 6:30 after picking up my meds.  Fabulous family and Nila had decorated our little house,  mowed the lawn,  installed our custom shelves in the baby room,  and CLEANED!  ABSOLUTELY AMAZING! :) Then darling mom brought over dinner and we relished our first night at home.

We are so blessed and thankful for all of the love and support of our family and friends.  It is truly amazing! You are all so wonderful.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

40 + 1

What a lovely Saturday!  We woke up and went straight to the farmer's market!  W had the pleasure of running into mom and liz there and indulged in some cookies at the pie place after picking up some tomatoes, peaches, water melon and honey sticks.  

Mom then took me to get the ceremonial before delivery pedicure!  So lovely and beautiful.  A fun pink with white and purple flowers to look at If this baby ever comes out!  :)

Home for BLTs and nap time.  Quickly followed by 4 PM Mass, then off to legends to get some walking in and try to spy the hot air balloons from the festival at the speedway.  So lovely. 

Then home for a movie with the in laws and junk food. The new Star Trek never gets old. 

I have a drs appt on Monday,  so perhaps we will know more about the state of this baby then!

Friday, August 8, 2014

Goodbye due date

Well,  lots of promise today,  all to end in disappointment.

We had a lovely morning hiking around the KC Zoo with my sister in law & niece,  and even had the pleasure of running into the Nelsons outside of the penguins! It was the perfect zoo day.  Very strange thought because it stayed under 80 degrees, was cloudy, ams school hasn't started yet,  but there was almost no one there!  It was amazing!  No lines, no crowds.  Fabulous. 

We returned home for naptime a bit before 2, awoke to shaw being home and up with the girls,  walked around Costco for some shopping then home for bedtime.  Tons of real-feeling contractions from the moment I sat down in the car to drove the girls home from the zoo.  I truly thought today was going to be the day - but to no avail.  Ah well, there's so much fun on the anticipation right?  :)

Hello due date!

Tis the morning of our due date,  and it is not looking like we will have this baby any time soon.

In an attempt to get some walking in,  we went downtown with my fabulous in laws to an Italian market restaurant,  then to walk around the inside and outside of our beautiful Nelson - Atkins museum,  then to share some ice cream from GlacĂ©.  It ended up being a very late night for the girls,  with no excitement on the baby front,  but a fun and relaxing evening!

Off to the zoo for more walking this morning!

Monday, August 4, 2014

Trip to L&D

After a productive day at work,  I come home to funny faces and puzzle time. 

Then we take a long rosary walk around creepy Metcalf South, followed by a delicious,  cheap dinner at El Fogon, our favorite little hole in the wall Mexican restaurant,  and fun and laughter filled bedtime. 

Then,  some normal/strange things happen,  and I call the Dr just to check in.  She directs me to go to L&D just to get checked out. We throw things together for the girls just in case,  and my wonderful father in law hustles over. 

We proceed to spend the next 2.5 hours at the hospital to be sent home with the all clear.  It was a a quiet,  low key time.  We spent the boring. Down time making fun of things we found in the room (very dated/ funny kid pictures in a "Baby's Owner Manuel") and playing Hang Man on the dry erase board.  I am very blessed to have married such a humorous,  joyful man!  :).

Welp,  dilated to a 2.5 but no real end in sight.  Who knows?