Here are a few pictures from our trip last month. I can't believe it was so long ago!
charming! I never really worried about them falling on our heads, but looking back, perhaps I should have!

Dolphins! At the little city in the gated community, you had an opportunity to go and swim with the dolphins. We didn't, but had a great time watching!!

At the Mexican restaurant, drinking the amazingly fantastic mexican coffee!

My husband, the model.

at the Mexican Restaurant. Great food!

Hilarious rendition of the Lion King with a real child (from Iowa!).

By the pool

Iguanas and lizards were everywhere! Even on the walls right outside of our room!

Beautiful sand!


Looking down from our balcony

Towel Art

Towel Art and Shaw

A little puppy!

The beach. Wow.
Yay- a post....and lots of pictures! It looks so pretty, now I want to take a trip there!