In Denver waiting for our flight!
Circling Spokane area because of fog...

First night in Spokane at he Hill/Leach family Christmas party...
Lil' second cousins liked the boxes far more than the gifts...
Heaven on earth. This coupled with wine and beer - everyone was happy!
It was a Vietnamese Christmas Eve!A new tradition... Though the rest of the family may nix it soon :(

Shaw's feeble attempt at cooking dinner. (Made possible by his sous Maureen!) Feeble Shaw REALLY? IT was incredible (added later by Maureen)

Playing Taboo with the family. Unfortunately, the ladies lost - second time in the traditional game! Maureen found the score card from the past duel.

"Chestnuts roasting on an open fire..." Also, hopefully a new tradition! Totally Shaw's idea.

Emma was clearly upset at the whole parents making her open presents thing. Apparently her moms gene of "serve me I am a princess" have already surfaced.

Hike into the wild...

Dan contemplating the beauty of Ice
Judy throwing ice
Maureen in ice
New race car from uncle Shaw and aunt Maureen!!!
Emma being forced to roll over! She was not happy in the process, but quite happy when she was there! Too bad she didn't make it while we were there. Oh well, stay young Emma!
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