Squash has been on his mind!! My mother always sends Shaw's way the 2% Milk from her CSA along with any random thing she finds in there. Whenever mom brings over the bag, Shaw's face lights up and his mind starts turning a mile a minute.
He has been enjoying all the fruits (and vegetables haha) of Fall. Apples, figs, sweet potatoes and squash have all graced our kitchen table of late. He does lots of research on the foods he would like to use, and then creates his own recipes. Below are a few of his creations. Unfortunately I have not been as good about pictures as I would like to be, but here is what I have this time around!
Great thanks to Nila and Nate for usually being out taste testers!!!!!
This is a squash and apple puree/soup with apple crisps.
Shaw creating the fixings for the arugula and goat cheese ravioli with the new pasta maker her won from the Kansas City Culinary Center. It was delicious!

This picture was from a while ago - the first round of squash soup with prosciutto and little shrimpies.

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